Mom and Dad visiting the Vettel home in Kennywood, 1938. They were married one year.

Vettel home circa 1947.   Both it and foreground picnic tables have been replaced by picnic pavillions.

Annie (paternal grandmother) with Andrew, Deedee, & Erwin outside Kennywood home. Pavillion 6 and Pony barn visible, 1950
The bottom of the first lift for the Log Jammer begins where the children are pictured.

Andrew, Erwin, Deedee, and Susie in front of the Jack Rabbit, 1952
A pair of games now occupy this spot.

Photo taken for Pittsburgh Press highlighting the park's Flying Skooters that Kennywood called the Dipsy Doodle.

Andrew 'riding' photo studio pony in Kiddieland - 1955

The Shriners closed the park to the public for their stag picnic.
We carried this to enter the park after school that Wednesday.

West Mifflin North High Viking, 1965. Pony track and Bouncer visible.
Andrew's standing near the current location of the Log Jammer exit ramp.
Andy and his Bethany College freshman roommate, John Mitchell, in their dorm room in Campbell Hall, 1965

Andy and his Phi Alpha little brother, Dan Gwaley, at the fraternity booth, 1967
We 'borrowed' the game pieces from Ken Garrett but we DID pay for the plush prizes.

The fraternity composite. Phi Alpha successfully petitioned Sigma Alpha Epsilon for a charter in 1969.

Andrew in his Physics classroom at Munhall High School, 1969

Sandy, Erwin, Mom and Dad at the wedding reception, 1969

Andrew and George Kranik on picket duty, Maple Street, 1971

Dad Vettel with new grandson, Scotty, and Susie, 1971. This is Susie #2, not the one pictured in 1952!

Awarded Masters of Arts in Teaching from Duquesne University, 1972

Cookout at Irwin Run Road for Kennywood friends.
Fran Garrett, Matt Scanza, Carol McConnell, Joyce Vettel, Bonnie Weber, Linda Ruhe, Sue Henninger, Ken Garrett, Dave Ruhe, Harry Henninger, and Fred Weber, 1973.

Christmas 1974 - Joyce, Andrew Jr., Dad Vettel, and Nancy in Vettel home.
Kennywood tore the house down following Dad Vettel's death in February, 1988.
Kennywood Ghost Ship burns to the ground, 1975.
Photos taken from roof of the entrance to the Auto Race.
Swaypoles of the Nerveless Nocks can be seen on the Lagoon Stage. We did the 4:30 show that day!

Dad and new son, Andrew, 1977

Sound Room in Starvue Plaza for Voice of Kennywood, 1978.    The equipment included power amps by Shure and Langevin,
tape decks by Magnecord and Viking, an Altec preamp and a Mackenzie cartridge repeater.

Mom and Dad on the porch with the first lift of the Logjammer in the background, 1983.

Erwin and Andrew in the Clubvue living room, 1987
WQED produced the very successful documentary, Kennywood Memories, in 1988.
Andrew talks about Dad Vettel's redesign of the Pippin into the Thurderbolt in 1967.

Lagoon show Ringmaster for Jay Cochrane, 1992

Dad with daughter Jean at Carnegie Mellon, 1997

Rose Tyler and Andy as American Gothic in the Steel Valley Spring Musical, The Music Man, 2006

The garage door opening sends Minnie running down the cellar stairs every day to complain how long I've left her home alone, 2006

Charlie, the day he left the TriAdelphia Animal Shelter and joined the family, July 7th, 2007